Tuesday, 24 April 2007

New Bjork Material

Few acts are able to split opinion in the Wild Office as much as Bjork. Seriously. There are plenty of bands we all agree are total shite and quite a few which a good 90% of us think are ace. But when it comes to Ms Guðmundsdóttir we are a mass of arguments and opinionated rants. We managed to blag a copy of the new album 'Volta' to listen to in the office and it's definitely going to delight her fans and annoy her detractors. Just what you want from a Bjork album really.
Here is a performance of her new single 'Earth Intruders' from a recent Saturday Night Live so you can join in the debate.

And while we're here, remind yourself of some of her previous genius by downloading 'Bachelorette' here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bjork is brilliant!!

John D.
