Thursday, 8 March 2007

So this is the new Wild Blog, eh? How very nice. I particularly like that bit over there - yes, that one. That's well cool that is.
But what's the point of this, I hear you ask. Well, gentle reader, there's not much of a point at all apart from us to post stuff about music we're into at the minute, things that have made us laugh, gigs we've been to or scurrilous industry gossip. It's intended as an outlet for a lot of the stuff we come into contact with on a day to day basis but can't email everyone about without filling up their inboxes with too much info. Most of all it's a bit of a laugh and should hopefully distract you for a while on otherwise dull days. Cos we're nice like that.

For starters, here are a few updates on the life of Wild Promotions and what we're up to (apart from ruling the world of club and student promotion on a day to basis via dual tactics of brilliance and genius). Krister is moving house; Mark has decided summer is here already and has stopped bringing a jacket to work; Harry's out at a Nine Inch Nails album playback at some swanky bar with free food and drinks (bastard); DB is sweating over a hot website. Actually, that just sounds wrong. But anyway; Natasha is being her calm and sweet self keeping hundreds of scruffy teamers in check as only she can - with threats of massive violence; and we've sent the boss off to a meeting to keep him out of our way. Yep, life as normal for Wild really.

Oh, Krister has demanded we link to a song he's got on rotation on his car stereo at the minute - an oldie but a goldie in the form of 'Carry On My Wayward Son' by Kansas. He swears it's simply because he's playing too much Guitar Hero at the minute but we suspect it's more likely that he just loves really cheesy rock music. In fact we'd put money on it. Having said that, it is a flipping class track so we'll let him off this time.
If you haven't seen the videos for the new Horrors or Bright Eyes songs by the way, then make sure you check them out from the links over to the right *points*. Seriously, we're putting these links in because we really like them and think you will too, not because we've been told to or whatever.
In terms of timewasting while your at work we can heartily recommend this Monty Python Spamalot game - If you manage to get past level seven then you're a cheat and a liar and we call shenanigans on you.
Cool, that'll do for now. Let us know if there's anything you've got from us that you're particularly enjoying at the minute or bands you think we should know about. Or any other old rubbish you want to tell us as well.

Speak to you soon.


Mark WILD said...

No Jacket Required.

Damo said...

Scruffy? The ruddy cheek of it!